About Universal Therapy, life and it’s meaning
5 October
Therapeutic group
Start: 05.10.2024
11 October
Therapeutic group
Start: 11.10.2024
18 October
Therapeutic group
Start: 18.10.2024
1 November
Metaphorical cards
Онлайн. 01.11.2024 - 01.11.2024
A simple and quick way to get personally acquainted with the technique of working with the subconscious, Online
BookingStart: 01.11.2024
2 November
Assemblage point
Онлайн. 02.11.2024 - 03.11.2024
Easy and fun educational seminar on quantum psychology, Online
BookingStart: 02.11.2024
8 November
Universal Therapy
Start: 08.11.2024
15 November
Universal Therapy. Addition 5
Start: 15.11.2024
22 November
Universal Therapy. Addition 6
Start: 22.11.2024
30 November
Therapeutic group
Cancun (Mexico)
Канкун (Мексика). 30.11.2024 - 02.12.2024
Работа с актуальными личными темами, Cancun (Mexico)
BookingStart: 30.11.2024
7 December
ВсеЛенский взгляд на жизнь. Мировоззренческий семинар
Cancun (Mexico)
Start: 07.12.2024
13 December
Therapeutic group
Cancun (Mexico)
Канкун (Мексика). 13.12.2024 - 15.12.2024
Работа с актуальными личными темами, Cancun (Mexico)
BookingStart: 13.12.2024
05 Oct
11 Oct
18 Oct
01 Nov
02 Nov
08 Nov
15 Nov
22 Nov
30 Nov
07 Dec
13 Dec
The most effective transformation and therapeutic tools,
tested through many years of training and the therapy results
From the interview with Leonid Talpis
In my opinion, a therapist is like a guide.
His main task is to make it possible for a person to have a choice,
the task ends exactly at that point where
a person’s choices appear
Olga Teterina
I personally find it difficult to call the work of Leonid Borisovich work
Universal therapy
In my opinion – this is art bordering magic. Pictures, a smile, provocative phrases… – and… breathe in, breathe out – a person comes to life, breathes, the cheeks turn pink with life, the eyes sparkle! Easily! Gracefully! Very carefully, I would even say – affectionately!
Irina Kuzmina
Psychologist, Novosibirsk
Unbelievably, Universal Therapy encompasses the whole psychology
Universal therapy
Unbelievably, Universal Therapy encompasses the whole psychology with all the numerous methods. Your scheme of work is “Psychology on two palms”, because it is so! Immediate passage to the source of the problem and quickly working it out! Techniques that you create are unique!
Valeriya Ilicheva
Business trainer, Yekaterinburg
The seminar went on smoothly, it lasted for five days
Metaphoric cards
The seminar went on smoothly, it lasted for five days, for me, each day was a discovery of the world, myself, the universe… The honesty and sincerity of Leonid Borisovich in his profession calls for nothing but admiration. A rare gift of experience to be with yourself, another person and the universe.
Nadezhda Belyatskaya
I left the seminar with a sense of happiness
Universal therapy
I left the seminar with a sense of happiness, yes indeed, pure happiness, there are a lot of new and interesting things ahead. Many wonderful meetings, many opportunities to help one’s self and others, many tools for work – the seminar provided all these sensations.
Elena Rozenkovich
Do you believe in wizards? I now do, after meeting Leonid!
Metaphoric cards
Do you believe in wizards? I now do, after meeting Leonid! He is a talented wizard who masterfully, easily and humorously helps people remember (through practical work) that they are born to live in happiness, love, joy and freedom!
Irina Kononenko
Cards are an accurate instrument for touching the soul
Metaphoric cards
Cards are a subtle instrument for touching the soul, which is now organically incorporated into practice. Talpis is a professional, intelligent, subtle, precisely revealed the possibilities of this instrument for me. Leonid is like a one- man orchestra, demonstrated a mastery of different approaches – here is multimodal psychotherapy in action!
Olga Vladimirova
The cards are indeed a magical instrument.
Metaphoric cards
The cards are indeed a magical instrument. It digs deeper than all the other projective techniques, and solve the client’s request a lot faster. They are easy to use, interesting and enjoyable.
Olga Zhvan
I noticed that a simple technique at first glance, allows you to look deeply
Assemblage Point
I noticed that a simple technique at first glance, allows you to look deeply into yourself and your history, look at the usual questions from a different perspective. And this new perspective allows us to understand what often escapes when working by other methods. Another big advantage, in addition to ease of use, is the speed of the process, which can last only 10-20 minutes. There is no need to search for the cause for a long time, we get straight to the goal – without any secondary issues, without tangling in the stories, without any “lyrics”.
Elena Gerasimova
I attended Talpis’ seminar on “Assemblage point”
Assemblage Point
I attended Talpis’ seminar on “Assemblage point”. My doubts about seminars, particularly by Leonid Borisovich, dissolved in an instant after the first example of Leonid’s work! This is an inexpressible kaleidoscope of feelings, emotions and sensations! I just heard that it is powerful and useful, but after the seminar I experienced it on myself! And the most surprising thing is the simplicity in everything and a tremendous sense of humor!
Elena Pereshivko
I strongly advise you to attend the seminar by Leonid Borisovich
Theta Healing
I strongly advise you to attend the seminar by Leonid Borisovich! I attended one in November and was very pleased. In the skilled hands of the master everything happens quickly and clearly: in just a couple of minutes, you get healed off a serious injury which had plagued you for years!
Leonid Talpis is a practicing psychologist, a descendant of a doctor, the author of a unique therapeutic technique called Universal Therapy and a teacher of a number of popular psychological techniques, an international level trainer.
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We will contact you as soon as possible to
complete the registration. See you in the life filled
with curiosity and discoveries!
Your data is received!
We will contact you as soon as possible to
discuss all the conditions and determine the time for consultation.
See you in the life filled with discoveries!
Your place
is reserved!
We will contact you as soon as possible to
complete the registration. See you in the life filled
with curiosity and discoveries!
Universal Therapy seminar. Additions
Cost of seminar
55 000 rubles
When paying before August 1 taking into account the prepayment.
60 000 rubles
When paying before October 1 taking into account the prepayment.
65 000 rubles
When paying before October 1 taking into account the prepayment.
Private Consultation
Leave your details for making an appointment. We will
contact you and discuss the details and time of the consultation.
Therapeutic Group
Leave your details for making an appointment.
We will contact you and discuss the details for attending.
Become an organizer
Fill out a short questionnaire
so that we can review your appeal.
Metaphoric cards
To register for the seminar, fill out the form
Assemblage Point
To register for the seminar, fill out the form
Universal therapy
To register for the seminar, fill out the form
Theta Healing
To register for the seminar, fill out the form
Universal Therapy. Additions 1
To register for the seminar, fill out the form
Universal Therapy. Additions 2
To register for the seminar, fill out the form
Universal Therapy. Additions 3
To register for the seminar, fill out the form
Universal Therapy. Additions 4
To register for the seminar, fill out the form
Trainer's course
To register for the course, fill out the form
The cost of the seminar
differs in different cities.
After sending the application, the organizer will contact you
and guide you through all the details of the course.
* To guarantee your participation,
you will need to make a prepayment.